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List of individual family branches

The Spekker family consists of three lines and several branches. Below you can explore which branches belong to which lines.

Großer Baum

Line Stapelmoor

Lineage of all Spekker  worldwide

The Spekker lineage has its roots in Stapelmoor. The family's main farm later changed its name to Koenen through inheritance. The lineage died out in the name stem, but continues to flourish in several branches to this day.

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Line Bingumgaste

Progenitors are Staas Berends Spekker * 09/19/1776 + 07/07/1847 & his  wife  Antje Hinrichs Groeneveld * 14.12.1774  + 09/14/1840

The Bingumgaste line branched out with the marriage and the associated takeover of the farm by the Groeneveld family in Bingumgaste.

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Line USA "America Line"

progenitors are  Staas Spekker * 03/04/1841 + 11/06/1902 & his wife Mary A. Latch * 07/14/1851 + 05/08/1942

The America line was established by the emigration of the Staas Spekker to the USA in 1871. Staas came from the Bingumgaster line, but since he created a considerable geographical distance to the other branches of the family, his branch is considered an independent line within the family. There is only contact with the American line with a few offspring. Members of the America Line are welcome and we look forward to hearing from you.

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