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Is the Spekker family really unique in the world?
NEARLY! All Spekkers with a double "K" are related to each other. The only exception is a name occurrence in Hungary, which could not yet be properly assigned to the Rheiderland family. However, family research is currently assuming that both surnames developed independently of one another.
Is the family noble?
No, the Spekker family comes from East Friesland, where the nobility hardly played a role. The Spekkers belonged to the so-called Hausmannsstand, which was also known as Eigenerben or Eigenerfden, this social class represented the local elite in East Friesland and was the undisputed leader of the village economies.
An instruction from 1583 lists the following wording
under point no. 25:
XXV - Consequently, nobles and Eigenerfden are one estate, although nobles have always wanted to be more. But they have never been granted it, just as today they have no more votes, either in government or in voting.
Where is the family from?
The family is regarded as an old Frisian family, but it is assumed that they immigrated at the beginning of the 16th century for religious reasons. Possible family origin theories deal with:
Switzerland / the Netherlands / the Emsland / England and Sweden.
How many lines of the family are known?
The family is divided into two main lines: Bingumgaste & Stapelmoor. The Weener - Vellage - Steenfelde - Stapelmoorerheide - Klimpe - Coldeborg - Boomborg, as well as the US branch, which however is called a line because of its geographic peculiarity.